博彩平台推荐的心理学课程是独一无二的,因为博彩平台推荐的理论根源是人文主义, transpersonal, and critical psychology. 博彩平台推荐的课程涵盖了经典的人文关怀——比如人类主观经验在心理学中的中心地位, 心理学理解的整体方法, human growth and development, 以及人类潜能的提升——当代对超个人和精神视野的关注. 主题如真正社区的意义, sociality, understanding oneself and others, 博彩平台推荐成长和发展的无数方式是博彩平台推荐学术学习环境的核心.

View our Psychology program website.

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog. 为学生规划学习课程提供指导的课程图, is available for download in the Courses tab below.

博彩平台推荐的心理学课程的独特之处在于博彩平台推荐的理论根基在 humanistictranspersonal, and critical psychology. 博彩平台推荐的课程涵盖了经典的人文关怀——比如人类主观经验在心理学中的中心地位, 心理学理解的整体方法, human growth and development, 以及人类潜能的提升——当代对超个人和精神视野的关注. 主题如真正社区的意义, sociality, understanding oneself and others, 博彩平台推荐成长和发展的无数方式是博彩平台推荐学术学习环境的核心.

Career Opportunities

Link to Additional Career Information:
http://www.buzzfile.com/Major/Psychology External Resource

Program Location

Carrollton Campus

Method of Delivery



博彩平台推荐是由美国南方大学协会认证的 Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Credit and transfer

Total semester hours required: 120

这个课程可以完全面对面学习. However, depending on the courses chosen, 学生可以选择部分或全部在线学习课程.

Save money

博彩平台推荐经常被评为同类大学中最实惠的认可大学之一, regardless of the method of delivery chosen.


  • Total tuition costs and fees may vary, 取决于学生选择参加的课程的教学方法.
  • 一个学生在一个学期里修的课程越多, 他们通常会节省更多的费用和总成本.
  • 面对面或部分在线课程收取一般学费和所有强制性校园费用, 根据学生的居住情况(非居民收费更高).
  • 完全或完全在线课程的学费和费用因课程而异. 参加在线课程的学生不需要支付非居民学费.
  • Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
  • 提醒一句:如果一个学生在一个学期内同时学习了面对面和在线课程, 他/她将支付所有强制性校园费用和较高的学费费率.
  • 有关费用信息以及付款截止日期,请参阅 Student Accounts and Billing Services website

学生有各种各样的经济援助选择, including scholarships and work study programs. Visit the Office of Financial Aid's website for more information.



To Be Admitted Into The B.A. Program In Psychology, 学生必须:至少完成45小时的学分, earned a C or better in PSYC 1101, 并且在任何级别的任何三(3)门心理学(PSYC)课程中获得B或以上的成绩.

通过个人互动进行体验式探索. 旨在鼓励对感情的敏感的发展, attitudes, and beliefs of one's self and others.

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对心理学主要主题的广泛调查,包括, but not limited to, research methodology, 影响行为的生物和社会因素, development, learning, memory, and personality.

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本课程介绍了行为科学中基本统计的博彩平台推荐和解释:描述性统计, 简单假设检验和双变量回归.

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这门入门课程向新的心理学专业学生介绍心理学作为一门人文科学的哲学和方法论基础, particularly humanistic, transpersonal/contemplative, and critical approaches. 它也引导学生个人和专业的心理学领域. 本课程是为进入博彩平台推荐专业深造做准备.

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本课程提供了定性研究方法论基础的历史和哲学概述,以及定性研究中的主要研究策略和设计. 本课程专为计划进行定性研究的本科生而设.

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本课程探讨心理体验对生物生理过程的影响. 讨论的主题包括:心理神经免疫学,状态依赖学习,治疗(e.g.、生物反馈、冥想、催眠、引导意象等.), disciplines (e.g., yoga, tai chi, etc.),以及关于身心关系的哲学概念.

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本课程探讨人格和动机的主要理论. 要解决的主要问题是人格理论化活动的性质和目的以及它与理论化人的关系.

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本课程是对人本主义心理学领域的深入探索, 这是西乔治亚心理学系的重点. 本课程主要面向心理学专业的学生, to provide them with the guiding ideas, theories, philosophies, methods, 以及与本系提供的许多其他课程有关的主题.

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对当今心理学中存在的几个主要理论观点(心理动力学)的比较研究, behavioral, humanistic/existential/transpersonal, cognitive, biological, social/critical). 这些观点将为生活提供全面的模型,并为研究和实践建立不同的基础. 一个重要的重点将是欣赏每个视角的一致性,同时也能够在它们之间移动.

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介绍印度教的精神体验及其理解, Buddhism, and Transpersonal psychologies.

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研究文化对心理生活影响的跨文化和社会探索. Varies by semester.

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这门顶点课程帮助高年级心理学专业的学生对他们在心理学学科中积累的知识有了新的认识,并在他们的通识教育中更广泛地了解这些知识. At a practical level, 本课程还指导学生进行职业识别和准备的最后步骤.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

Marie-Cécile Bertau, Ph.D.

Marie-Cécile Bertau, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Cassandra Bolar, Ph.D.

Cassandra Bolar, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Psychology

James Dillon, Ph.D.

James Dillon, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Jacob Glazier, Ph.D.

Jacob Glazier, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Psychology & Head of Psychology B.S. Undergraduate Studies Program

Nisha Gupta, Ph.D.

Nisha Gupta, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology

Tobin R. Hart, Ph.D.

Tobin R. Hart, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

James Christopher Head, Ph.D.

James Christopher Head, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology

Neill Korobov, Ph.D.

Neill Korobov, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Richard LaFleur, Ph.D.

Richard LaFleur, Ph.D.


Lisa Osbeck, Ph.D.

Lisa Osbeck, Ph.D.

Professor & Program Coordinator of Psychology

Jeffrey Reber, Ph.D.

Jeffrey Reber, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

John L. Roberts, Ph.D.

John L. Roberts, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology

Christine Simmonds-Moore, Ph.D.

Christine Simmonds-Moore, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Kathleen Skott-Myhre, Psy.D.

Kathleen Skott-Myhre, Psy.D.

人类学、心理学和社会学系主任 & Professor of Psychology

Rosa Traversa, Ph.D.

Rosa Traversa, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Talia Weiner, LPC, Ph.D.

Talia Weiner, LPC, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Guidelines for Admittance


Admission Process Checklist

  1. Review Admission Requirements 针对特定人群的不同节目和指南(非传统), transfer, transient, home school, joint enrollment students, etc).
  2. Review important deadlines:
    • Fall semester: June 1 (undergrads)
    • Spring semester: November 15 (undergrads)
    • Summer semester: May 15 (undergrads)
      See program specific calendars here
  3. Complete online application
    Undergraduate Admissions Guide

    Undergraduate Application

    Undergraduate International Application

  4. Submit $40 non-refundable application fee
  5. Submit official documents

    要求所有参加的学院或大学将所有正式成绩单和考试成绩直接发送到博彩平台推荐. 如果成绩单邮寄给你,它不能被视为正式的,如果它已经打开. 通过要求以电子方式发送成绩单来节省时间.

    Undergraduate & 研究生申请者应将所有正式成绩单寄至:
    University of West Georgia
    1601 Maple Street
    Carrollton, GA 30118-4160
  6. 如有需要,请提交免疫证书. 如果你永远不会前往博彩平台推荐校园或网站, you may apply for an Immunization Exemption. Contact the Immunization Clerk with your request.
  7. Check the status of your application


Dr. Jeffrey Reber
Psychology Program

具体入学日期(仅限本科生), Financial Aid, Fee Payments, Registration, Start/End of term, Final Exams, etc. are available in THE SCOOP.

Theoretical Dexterity—心理学课程的毕业生将对主要主题有深刻的理解, conflicts, and perspectives within the discipline, as well as the ability to employ, critically evaluate, 并在需要时在不同的视角之间转换. Specifically, they will

  • 表达和运用心理学的主要观点,包括生物/神经科学, behavioral, cognitive, psychoanalytic, critical, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology.
  • 比较、对比和描述这些观点的优点和局限性.
  • Discuss overarching themes, persistent questions, 或者是心理上持久的冲突,比如遗传和环境的相互作用, or the interaction of mind and body.

Application of Learning-心理学专业的毕业生将能够有效而明智地将心理学概念和观点博彩平台推荐于课堂之外的主要生活领域. Specifically, they will

  • 识别和评估信息的来源、背景和可信度.
  • 阐明心理学原理如何被用来解释社会问题和告知公共政策.
  • 批判性地评价大众媒体对心理学研究的报道.

Historical-Cultural Context心理学专业的毕业生将对文化和历史如何塑造这门学科并影响其实践者表现出敏锐的意识. Specifically, they will

  • 认识到社会文化背景如何影响心理学思想的博彩平台推荐.
  • Narrate the history of psychology, including the evolution of methods, the theoretical conflicts, and the sociocultural contexts of the field.
  • 了解特权、权力和压迫如何影响偏见、歧视和不平等.

Personal Development心理学课程的毕业生将获得关于他们身份的知识, values, aspirations, emotions, strengths and weaknesses. Specifically, they will

  • Identify their personal and professional values.
  • Demonstrate insight into, and awareness of, their emotions, motives, 以及使用心理学观点和原则的态度.

Career Discernment and Preparation—Through close collaboration with faculty, 心理学课程的毕业生将对心理学的主要职业领域有一个了解,并对自己对特定工作领域的倾向和职业有一个深入的了解. Specifically, they will

  • 在准确的自我能力评估的基础上,与导师一起描述首选的职业道路, achievement, motivation, and work habits.
  • Apply knowledge of psychology (e.g., decision strategies, life-span processes, psychological assessment, 心理职业的类型),以制定职业选择.